How To Get Started Raising Chickens
Getting Started with Chicks 101
General Care
Chicks will likely bond with you so spending time with them, observing them, gently holding them, even, is a good thing. Also, watching them on a daily basis will give you a quick alert should they become ill or if a particular small chick is getting pecked on due to social order.
Once the chicks are fully feathered it will be time for them to leave there temporary housing and begin to explore the outside world and moving into a larger coop. Coastal has a variety of chicken coops to choose from.
After your chicks are hatched or brought home from your favorite Coastal outlet, you’ll need to provide them with suitable housing, even though it won’t be long term. It can be anything from an aquarium to a small cage to a simple box. One of the best habitats is a plastic bin with a hole cut in the top and replaced with wire mesh.
Surface it with old towels (be careful of loose strings or threads) and then after about 2-3 weeks use newspapers and straw or shavings. Make sure your surface is never perfectly smooth as the chicks need to get used to rough surfaces for proper development. You’ll also want a container for food and water, such a s a small water dish and feeder. Coastal carries a variety of water and feeder containers for your convenience.
Chick Brooders & Housing
Feed and Water
A consistent amount of food and water dispensers always full of water are critical to the growth and health of chicks. Chick food is not the same as adult chicken food and comes in both medicated and non-medicated varieties. Generally speaking, chicks should eat chick food for the first two months and then graduate to a grower food and then eventually to a lower protein or layer feed.
Chick Feeders & Waterers
Chick Feed & Supplements
Keeping the habitat clean is important, changing the bedding as necessary and making sure the habitat is not overly wet from water spillage.
A heat source is vital since the chicks won’t be kept warm by a hen. A 100-watt bulb in a clamp style lamp, as well as an infrared bulb, works very well, too. Chicks need to be kept warm all day and night long until their down fluff matures into feathers, usually taking two-three months. Temperatures in the 90’s - 100 degrees is recommended.
Chickens love taking dirt baths (it prevents parasites and lice from forming in their feathers and on their legs) to keep their feathers and skin groomed and cleaned. For enclosure purposes, you’ll just need to insert a try or let them out in an enclosed pen so they can frolic in the dirt.
Chick Starter Kits & Accessories

Build Your Own Brooder Bin
Start out right with this easy-to-build brooder bin.
- Buy plastic bin with tight-fitting lid at least 12" tall.
- Cut a hole using a carpet knife out of 1/3 to 1/2 of the top.
- Cut a piece of hardware cloth two inches wider than your hole.
- Punch holes in top around the hole using a nail and hammer.
- Zip tie the hardware cloth over the hole to create a surface for ventilation and to hold the brooder lamp suspended over the chicks.
- Line bin with newspaper and paper towels for traction for the chicks.
- Chicks should be kept between 90-100 degrees for the first week, decrease temp by five degrees each week as chicks grow until they are at room temperature.
Chicks at Coastal
Freedom Ranger SR | $1.99 | Meat | Poor | Brown | |
Cornish Cross Broiler | $1.99 | Meat | Poor | Brown | |
Buff Orpington Straight Run | $1.99 | Dual | Good | Brown | |
Red Ranger Broiler | $1.99 | Meat | Poor | Brown | |
Cinnamon Queen Pullet | $2.99 | Layer | Good | Brown | |
White Crested Polish Pullet | $2.99 | Layer | Good | White | |
Amberlink Pullets | $2.99 | Layer | Very Good | Dark Brown | |
Novogen Pullets | $2.99 | Layer | Very Good | White | |
Blue Sapphire Pullets | $2.99 | Layer | Good | Light Brown | |
Asst. Bantams (SR) | $2.99 | Ornament | Poor | Mix | |
Barred Rock Pullet | $2.99 | Layer | Good | Brown | |
Rhode Island Red Pullet | $2.99 | Dual | Excellent | Brown | |
White Leghorn Pullet | $2.99 | Layer | Very Good | White | |
Americana Pullet | $2.99 | Layer | Good | Turquoise | |
Asst. Polish & Crested (SR) | $2.99 | Layer | Good | White | |
California White Pullet | $2.99 | Dual | Excellent | White | |
Buff Orpington Pullet | $2.99 | Dual | Good | Brown | |
Silver Lace Wyandotte Pullet | $2.99 | Dual | Very Good | Brown | |
Polish Gold Laced (SR) | $2.99 | Layer | Good | White | |
Isa Brown Pullet | $2.99 | Layer | Very Good | Brown | |
Black Australorp Pullet | $2.99 | Dual | Excellent | Brown | |
Black Sexlink Pullet | $2.99 | Layer | Very Good | Brown | |
Light Brahama Pullet | $2.99 | Layer | Good | Brown | |
California Grey Pullet | $2.99 | Layer | Excellent | White | |
Bovan Brown Golden Sexlink | $2.99 | Layer | Excellent | Light Brown | |
Colorpack Layer (PULL) | $2.99 | Layer | Very Good | Brown | |
Dominant Copper (PULL) | $2.99 | Layer | Excellent | Dark Brown | |
Rainbow Dixie Pullet | $3.99 | Layer | Good | Brown | |
Cuckoo Maran Pullet | $3.99 | Dual | Good | Dark Brown | |
Speckled Sussex Pullet | $3.99 | Dual | Very Good | Light Brown | |
Brown Leghorn Pullet | $3.99 | Layer | Excellent | Brown | |
Mixed Silkies (SR) | $3.99 | Ornament | Poor | Mix | |
Golden Laced Wyandotte Pullet | $3.99 | Layer | Good | Brown | |
Welsummer Pullet | $3.99 | Dual | Good | Dark Brown | |
Black Jersey Giant Pullet | $3.99 | Layer | Good | Dark Brown | |
Salmon Faverolle Pullet | $3.99 | Dual | Good | Brown | |
Sapphire Gem Pullet | $4.99 | Layer | Very Good | Brown | |
Calico Princess Pullet | $4.99 | Layer | Very Good | Brown | |
Blue Andalusian | $4.99 | Layer | Good | White | |
Lavender Orpington (SR) | $6.99 | Dual | Good | Brown | |
Sapphire Olive Egger Pullet | $6.99 | Layer | Very Good | Olive |
NOTE: Please call your local Coastal to see if they have the breed you're looking for in stock.