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Country Kitchen
Prime is Coming from Green Mountain Grills
February 25, 2019
Green Mountain Grills has been leading the way with some of the best wood-fired and pellet grills on the planet. Now, they’re taking it up another notch with their Prime Grills coming this month to a Coastal near you. Here’s what you can expect.
The new line of Prime grills from Green Mountain Grills are built to be even strong and smarter than any of their other lines, including a 12V direct power design for better temp control, greater pellet fuel economy and faster startups. You’ll also get:
- Micro-adjustment capacity to maintain more consistent grill temps.
- Smartphone and tablet control from anywhere with the company’s server mode or via your own wireless network.
- Food timer that notifies you via a special app when your food is done.
Grill Smarter and Eat Better
These grills are going to change the way you cook and eat. And Coastal will be carrying Green Mountain’s Prime grills, including the Davy Crocket, Daniel Boone, and Jim Bowie models with various options.